Hot Men For Digital Strategy… I Swear!
Theater Mu’s Hot Asian Doctor Husband
In September of 2018, Theater Mu completed a rebranding process with local creative agency, Treat and Company. With that, I was handed the style guide and set out on an adventure to create Mu’s brand-new website. When I launched the site in June 2019, I set out on a journey to fully enact a robust digital marketing strategy. A strategy perfectly exemplified through their production of Hot Asian Doctor Husband.
A Marketing Renewal.
Theater Mu’s Hot Asian Doctor Husband
Summer 2019
website design, digital marketing, email marketing, social media
I began aggregating news articles, think pieces, and opinion columns onto the new website’s blog.
When sharing links on social media, audiences would now be led directly to the Mu’s website, instead of other sites.
I restructured their email campaigns to contain as many links to the website as possible, including relevant blog posts.
Finally, I added a Google Tag and Facebook Pixel to the website for ad re-targeting purposes.
The Outcome
Theater Mu had the infrastructure in place for me to connect the dots and line up each individual marketing tactic into one strategic workflow, seamlessly feeding much-needed data into one another. It was a marketing plan rarely enacted by other arts or cultural organizations of the same size.